Follow Your Heart (And Other Things Christians Should Do)
"Psh, that's ridiculous." I thought while watching Pocahontas for the millionth time. The whole spinning compass and magic flower wind was a little out there for my fourteen-year-old sensibilities. "You're not supposed to follow your heart. Haven't you ever heard Jeremiah 17:9?" ||" The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" -Jeremiah 17:9|| Clearly, you should not follow your heart. It is deceitful (above all things!!!) and super wicked (like, even more than the musical), and incurable and just generally horrid. If you do follow your heart, you'll end up miserable and cold and alone. No one can ever conquer the heart, so you should probably just ignore it when it tells you about that thing you're passionate about, or that crazy idea you've had for years. So you take this seemingly sound advice, and you leave behind those crazy things your heart keeps telling you to do. After all...