You Are Alive.

I’m glad you were born. 

I’m glad you are alive. 

I want you to stay alive. 

These are the words we mean when we say, “Happy Birthday.”

Today I turn 20. It’s weird because I wasn’t sure I’d make it this far. And I know so many others aren’t sure if they’ll make it to their next birthday. Some of you aren’t sure if you’ll make it to next week. You’ve stopped making plans, stopped looking forward to graduation, the end of the semester, the end of the week.

Friend, you are alive. You have fought so hard to make it here.

And I know it doesn’t feel like you’re fighting, but the fact that you are here proves that feeling wrong. Life hurts and it seems like the hurt will never give way to joy. It seems like you’ll never feel alive again. Please trust me when I say you will feel alive again. There will be moments that you want to be alive. You’re not out of time.

Tomorrow needs you. There are songs you will listen to and love, hands you will hold, sunrises you will wake up for. There are people who love you and want you to stay. You are a friend, not a problem. There are people who want to help you.

Ask for help.

There are friends and counselors and lifelines and text lines. You can get the help you need today. Don’t wait. 

If you need someone to talk to, you can find me on Twitter or Instagram as @thehadleygrace. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 1-800-273-8255. You can text HOME to 741741.

Who you are is enough. You are worthy of love no matter what. 

You are alive. I’m glad you were born. I want you to stay alive.

Stay alive.
